Jackie Wallace Jackie Wallace

Fun With Fireflies

Summer is the happiest and most sought-after season for many. But there’s magic to summer we often overlook. Nowadays smartphones and fancy apps keep track of times, dates and cycles for us, overlooking the long-standing nature ques of those very things. So, what if instead you allowed the natural world to communicate the onset of summer for you, and even more so, remind you to pay attention?

Fireflies are an incredible natural indication that the days are hot and long, and that the good part of the summer is upon us. Fireflies, after all, are a symbol of “good things to come.” In the Midwest, the first fireflies are usually spotted mid to end of June. By this time school is usually wrapped up and we all indulge in the meatiest part of the summer when the days are hottest and bodies of water most refreshing. It is also the time that living seems easier and dreams more attainable.

I am often reminded of the times as a child I would chase fireflies, each one leaving me with a happy heart. It was more than an activity, it was a ritual! There is something mystical about fireflies. Perhaps it’s their light mixed with warmer days that emits an energy of possibility and fun. And it is these memories of simpler times that allow the power of ritual and tradition to live on.

Family Ritual Idea:

At the first sighting of a firefly, let your kids stay up late and play outside. Encourage them to run around barefoot and sing. You can write a song together that will be the anthem of your summer. Allow the joy to fill their hearts and let yourself participate in the silliness as well. Allow nostalgia and presence to simultaneously nourish you. Then, sit together around a fire sharing your biggest visions for your life and support each other in taking actionable steps to achieve them.

Soon enough fireflies will be a reminder of joy, of play, of relaxation, and letting good things come.

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Jackie Wallace Jackie Wallace

Talking to Kids About Self Love

The biggest hurdles in our adult lives are the lessons we failed to learn as children. The concepts and ways of being that perhaps weren’t modeled to us, but would have been helpful to our experience if they had been, are what we spend years learning to embody later. Our modern day schools teach us all things biology and math, but self-love is a topic we’re left to dissect on our own. Hence, it’s a topic, or struggle rather, that circulates into adulthood.

But as conscious adults we can incorporate this teaching into our children’s lives so that they’re well equipped for the things we weren’t.

The best way to communicate self love to your children is by showing it to them. A mother who prioritizes her self care and morning routine, and states her needs, for example, shows her children that their time is valuable and worthy of crafting as well. It gives them permission to say, “I’m taking time for myself,” and to feel ok about it. This simple act silently communicates the love for one self and the dedication to that love. Bear in mind that how you talk to, look at, and behave towards your own self is also teaching your children how to approach themselves.

Your children benefit from hearing you talk about, and value, their strengths, while also recognizing their weaknesses. This teaches them that we all have strengths and weaknesses and that we equally belong despite them. The weaknesses that can be refined should gently be solved as problem-solving fosters self-love. Keeping in mind, correction of children’s attitudes should be done with patience and focus so you don’t demotivate them in their self-love journey.

Talk to children about hobbies and activities that make them feel good, and create healthy habits for their body and mind. Taking care of themselves will innately make them feel good, boosting the way they feel about themselves. Teach them to prioritize these hobbies as a way to honor themselves. In turn, through fulfillment of sports and activities, children learn confidence which also contributes to self-love.

Finally, communicate openly with your children. Explain to them the “Why,” behind certain choices and decisions, and teach them to express the same. Try to relate to them and nourish their wild ambition instead of allowing your adult limitations to limit them also. Children dream big because self-love is an innate quality, until we learn otherwise.

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Jackie Wallace Jackie Wallace

Glow Worms and Their Beautiful Lights

Oftentimes, the simplest of beauty is the most potent, and yet, most easily forgotten.

When was the last time you thought about glow worms? Got excited about their beautiful light? Or has life taken you so far away from simple happiness you learned to believe that only grand gestures are worth celebrating? What would your life be like instead if you gave time and space to the mysterious unfolding of life, as well as the creatures that fulfill it?

Like glow worms, or fireflies, for example.

Glow worms, also known as “fireflies” are not worms at all. They are adult beetles that control whether they emit their light as flashes or as a constant glow. The colors can include red, yellow, orange, or green.

There are over 2,000 species of fireflies. Depending on the species and the life-cycle stage, the glow is used to warn-off predators, attract mates, or to attract prey.

Adult female glow-worms have a large, light-producing organ at the end of their abdomens. At night they use a bright, steady stream of yellowish-green light to attract flying males. During the day they burrow underground to avoid predators. A female will climb to a high point, such as a grass stem, and turn her glowing light upwards. This ensures that she is as visible as possible to flying males. Their lights are bioluminescent, which is the natural production of light by an organism created by a chemical reaction.

Fireflies are also the Spiritual representation of Kindred Spirits. They emit the essence of attracting that which we desire. So next time you spot a firefly —  pause, and pay attention. Let them serve as reminders of simple beauty, big magic, and wild visions!

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Review #1: Review by Amy Louise Hill

Title: Felix the Wannabe Firefly

Author: Jacqueline Marie Wallace

Genre: Children - Social Issues

Reviewed By: Amy Louise Hill

Review Rating: 5 Stars - Congratulations on your 5-star review!

Reviewed By Amy Louise Hill for Readers’ Favorite

Felix the Wannabe Firefly by Jacqueline Marie Wallace is an educational picture book for young children. Felix the glowworm dreams of becoming a firefly. He tries and tries to make his dream come true but everything fails. One day, after another failed attempt to achieve his dream, Felix is approached by a firefly named Sadie. She asks if Felix would like to play with her, but Felix is reluctant as he can't fly as she can. Sadie reassures Felix that he doesn't need to fly to have fun. Whilst out playing, a group of other fireflies approach and make fun of Felix. Bruno, the leader, laughs and shouts horrible things, causing Sadie and Felix to walk away. The next day, the bullying continues, until a group of kids shows up and captures Bruno! Everyone else flies away to safety, but Felix is left feeling worried and that he should do something to help Bruno. Will Felix save Bruno from the kid that grabbed him?

Felix the Wannabe Firefly was a pleasure to read. The story teaches crucial lessons, from learning to accept yourself to never giving in to bullies. The author has taught these lessons in a simple way so that children will pick up on them easily. The illustrations by the talented Greg White are adorable and Felix was my favorite! Everything about this wonderful book is perfect for any young reader who could do with a little pick me up. I can't recommend it enough and I hope to read more work from Jacqueline Marie Wallace shortly. Congrats on the book; children are going to love it!

Review #1: Review by Amy Louise Hill

Title: Felix Discovers Magic in the Mud

Author: Jacqueline Marie

Genre: Children - Educational

Reviewed By: Amy Louise Hill

Review Rating: 5 Stars - Congratulations on your 5-star review!

Reviewed By Amy Louise Hill for Readers’ Favorite

Felix Discovers Magic in the Mud by Jacqueline Marie is an educational picture book for young children. Felix the glowworm is back with another adventure - this time he's on the hunt for nectar to store for the winter. One morning Felix wakes and overhears his parents talking about a possible shortage of nectar. This worries Felix as nectar is the favorite food of glowworms and fireflies. Felix fears that they will starve and decides to gather enough to last his family and friends through winter. As he sets out for the hunt, Felix stops to visit his friend Sadie the firefly, and tells her of his plan. Sadie thinks it's a great idea and wishes him luck. All of a sudden a storm hits and lands him in some seriously sticky mud! Felix can't free himself and begins to panic. Luckily for Felix, an elephant appears. Will the elephant help Felix out of his sticky situation?

Jacqueline Marie has once again created a wonderfully-written book that children are going to love and learn from. In Felix Finds Magic in the Mud, the reader will learn that they can overcome anything in life, no matter what it may be. I believe this is something children should be taught at a young age as it will prove to be beneficial as they grow older. I was happy to have had the opportunity to read another of Jacqueline's books as I enjoyed her work before. This tale will make the perfect bedtime story, so don't delay in picking up a copy. Congrats to the author on another successful book. I hope to see even more soon!