Glow Worms and Their Beautiful Lights

Oftentimes, the simplest of beauty is the most potent, and yet, most easily forgotten.

When was the last time you thought about glow worms? Got excited about their beautiful light?

Or has life taken you so far away from simple happiness you learned to believe that only grand gestures are worth celebrating? What would your life be like instead if you gave time and space to the mysterious unfolding of life, as well as the creatures that fulfill it?

Like glow worms, or fireflies, for example.

Glow worms, also known as “fireflies” are not worms at all. They are adult beetles that control whether they emit their light as flashes or as a constant glow. The colors can include red, yellow, orange, or green.

There are over 2,000 species of fireflies. Depending on the species and the life-cycle stage, the glow is used to warn-off predators, attract mates, or to attract prey.

Adult female glow-worms have a large, light-producing organ at the end of their abdomens. At night they use a bright, steady stream of yellowish-green light to attract flying males. During the day they burrow underground to avoid predators. A female will climb to a high point, such as a grass stem, and turn her glowing light upwards. This ensures that she is as visible as possible to flying males. Their lights are bioluminescent, which is the natural production of light by an organism created by a chemical reaction.

Fireflies are also the Spiritual representation of Kindred Spirits. They emit the essence of attracting that which we desire. So next time you spot a firefly — pause, and pay attention. Let them serve as reminders of simple beauty, big magic, and wild visions!


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