Firefly Meditation

Fireflies represent kindred spirits. Not only are they a beautiful spectacle to witness, they also

represent the attracting of and pulling in what we want in life. While we’ve often marveled at the

rare sight of fireflies, not many have utilized these magnificent creatures to support their

manifestation, meditation, and Spiritual practice (even through visualization).

Meditation is a great way to clear the mind and learn the skill of awareness and self regulation.

You can also combine meditation with the art of manifestation to craft space for your life's

dreams and desires, simultaneously calming your mind and hearing which visions want to be

brought to life.

One of the biggest obstacles of our modern day lifestyle is the speed at which we go about life.

Auto-pilot is what drives us and leaves little space for creativity, dreaming, and the beauty of

“nothing.” That’s why I invite you to utilize this unique way of meditating with fireflies as a first

step to crafting a practice that revolves around your dreams and ultimately, slowing down to see


Firefly Meditation

  • Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight and shoulders relaxed.

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to regulate your nervous system and drop

    into relaxation.

  • When you feel ready, inhale through the nostrils, imagining fresh energy entering your

    body. Feel that this energy cleanses you and invigorates you.

  • Exhale through the nostrils; imagining stagnant energy leaving your body leaving you

    with a fresh state of mind.

  • As you continue to breathe, settle into the idea that nothing else exists in the moment

    and that this is the best thing you can be doing for yourself. As you do this, consciously

    start to envision a clear path where your dreams can show themselves to you and where

    you’re ready to meet them.

  • Next, call in the Spirit of the Firefly and state (out loud or silently to yourself), “Help me

    see the light and the true nature of my kindred Spirit. Show me where I stand in my own

    way. Connect me to my own strength to act upon that which I desire.”

  • Visualize fireflies encompassing you, circling around you, above, and beneath you. Trust

    that you have nothing else to do but receive their guidance.

  • Start with at least 5 minutes in this practice, increasing the duration over time.

If you’re in a space where you can see fireflies in real life, you can do a similar meditation with

your eyes open.

Leave your eyes open to witness their beautiful existence and utilize the breath from above. As

you watch them fly, open yourself to receiving their guidance, trusting in your own intuition to

recognize it.


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