If I Could Only Have One Superpower, It Would Be This...

If I Could Only Have One Superpower, It Would Be This...

Have you ever watched a superhero movie and marveled (pun intended) at the hero's ability to go confidently into any situation, no matter how scary or intimidating it may seem? While those are characters following a script, the concept did get me thinking. In the past, I've struggled with putting myself "out there" and pursuing a goal or idea that scared me. I told myself all kinds of excuses and reasons why I shouldn't or couldn't try. But as I really began unpacking the reasoning behind these excuses, I found they all led to one thing: it wasn't just the idea of fear; it was the meaning I associated with it.

Let me explain; for many of us, fear is tied to an emotion that makes me feel uncomfortable. As humans, we have an innate instinct to avoid discomfort, so it makes sense that we would want to avoid situations that bring out these emotions. Here's the problem: if we spend our lives in our comfort zone, we can miss out on so many incredible experiences. Then it dawned on me that people who go for it, who step out and try new things, seem comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Is that the key to living life to the fullest?

So, if I could only have one superpower, it would be the bravery to embrace discomfort. Check out these five tips to help you get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

 1. Practice

Like any new skill, learning to push past discomfort takes practice. It's okay to start small; this is a marathon, not a sprint. Try going to a coffee shop alone or joining a workout class. Once you begin, you'll quickly see the things that scare you aren't nearly as frightening as you made them out to be in your mind.

2. Celebrate every achievement

Seriously, celebrate everything! No matter how small an achievement may seem to someone else, it's meaningful to you, and that's incredible! Consider making a goal or achievement journal, where you write down everything you've done that you didn't think you could do. It will serve as inspiration and encouragement as you go.

3. Push yourself

Once you've tried a few new things, keep pushing yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Complacency is the enemy of progress, so keep moving forward!

4. Be mindful

Allow yourself to analyze how you feel during new activities. Try to assess the core emotion driving the fear and target the root issue. Fear is a secondary emotion, meaning something deeper always triggers it, (for me it was the fear of embarrassment) so when you can pinpoint the real issue, you can begin working through it.

5. Don't give up

Embracing your new superpower of being uncomfortable isn't easy. Don't be discouraged if it takes time. Celebrate every step forward and give yourself grace for when you need time. While it may take some time, usually longer than you would like,  you will see progress if you don't give up!

The good news is that being comfortable with being uncomfortable is a skill anyone can accomplish with patience and perseverance. Don't be afraid to set goals and give yourself permission to achieve them. What would your life look like in 6, 12, or 18 months if you took the first step toward living to the fullest today?

Because in the end… you could be missing out on what’s destined to be the best season of your life.

Getting started takes bravery, and bravery is what makes you a superhero!

It’s Possible!


You Did Your Best, Let It Go!


Have You Thought About What You Think About?