Have You Thought About What You Think About?

Every human who has ever lived has one thing in common: the ability to think. Okay, you may be thinking,

"Of course, we think; that's common sense," but have you ever considered how profound thinking actually is?

Our brains are extraordinary, allowing us to not only process external information but also create thought patterns, ideas, and narratives about the world around us.

 In fact, research shows that people have an average of 46,000 thoughts every day, with 85% of those thoughts being negative and repetitive; no wonder our brains can feel exhausted!

Most of us aren't aware of the complexity and magnitude of our thoughts as we live our lives on auto-pilot, leaving little space for awareness.

Why Your Thoughts Matter

Have you ever noticed how much someone else’s words can affect you? For instance, a kind word can make your day, while a harsh comment can ruin it.

Well, the conversations going on in your mind work the same way. You draw conclusions about yourself, and others based on what you think.

Let's say, for example, you tell yourself you lack confidence. Eventually, you'll begin to believe those thoughts are a real character trait. The next time you attend a social gathering or are asked to share your thoughts on something, you'll freeze since you've convinced yourself you're not a confident person. Freezing in this situation is proof that you've made these thoughts a reality, when in fact, it isn't truth but a fabrication you've fed into.

If you think you'll fail or you're incapable of success, you'll begin believing it.

With time, your actions mimic these beliefs, creating a reality that mirrors your thought patterns.

Sometimes, you might get it wrong about yourself, underestimating what you can do or who you can become.

Think about this; what you think turns into what you believe, those beliefs shape how you act, and the way you act eventually becomes your identity. Imagine if 85% of your thoughts are negative and repetitive. Could this chain reaction be the cause of unhappiness?

If this this is the case, then you can create a new reality by being aware of your thought patterns and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

What would happen if you started to think that you're capable of succeeding? Your thoughts would create feelings of possibility and potential, leading you to take action and create a new ability-based reality!

Can you see the difference a change in a thought pattern can have?

In most cases, it's not a lack of talent that prevents you from succeeding; it's a lack of belief stemming from a distorted thought!

Put simply, what you think becomes your belief, and your beliefs become your reality. You'll look for evidence to reinforce your version of reality, whether consciously or subconsciously. And you will always find what you’re looking for.

Evaluate Your Thought Patterns

Take time to analyze the labels, ideas, or personality traits you've attached to yourself. Are they true, or did you place them there out of fear or another person's opinion? Look for evidence that these labels are false and use them as fuel to power you back to your original, positive self. Don't be afraid to challenge your beliefs; the truth will always withstand any scrutiny it faces!

My challenge (and I hope you accept) is to give thought to what you think in your everyday life and the impact it has on your reality.

Starting today, live in awareness of your thoughts, not from a place of judgment but of opportunity for growth. Take advantage of times when your thoughts could wander, like on your commute or standing in line at the grocery store, to recharge and clean up the messiness in your mental space. Allow yourself to feel what thoughts serve you and how you can lean into them. Notice the ones that are harmful and work towards proving them wrong.

You have more courage than you realize to push past your self-imposed limitations and start shaping the life you’ve dreamt of, one thought, one day at a time.

It's Possible!


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