The Best of the Best Have Been Booed


Imagine if everyone who was ever booed, laughed at, or worse yet, rejected because their idea was “ridiculous” quit pursuing their passion. We wouldn’t have so many great musicians, authors, products, and services. Anyone who is working towards something bigger than what some can relate to, will at some point in their journey be booed. Not because they aren’t talented, but because they aren’t in front of the right market.

Believe it or not, some of the most iconic creators of all time have failed auditions, launched wrong products, and received bad reviews.

You’ve no doubt heard of Jimi Hendrix. One of the most renowned guitarists of all time, Hendrix was a pivotal influence in 20th-century music. His impact on popular rock music is unmatched. And yet, in 1967 when he was on tour with The Monkees, the audience didn’t want to hear him play! He was booed. During his set, the audience could be heard chanting and cheering for The Monkees.

Can you imagine how Jimi Hendrix felt?

In 1982, Stevie Ray Vaughan played an incredible live rendition of Texas Flood at a music festival in Switzerland. Vaughan, another impressive guitarist, did a ten-minute performance which was described as “astounding and raw.”

But he was loudly booed by a small group of naysayers in the audience! Despite that experience, Stevie Ray Vaughan has gone down in history as one of the most well-known guitarists of his day, and even he was once booed doing what he loved and believed in.

It hasn’t been just musicians whose work didn’t go over well. Coco Chanel was a renowned fashion designer who had a drastic impact on women’s fashion. She turned women’s fashion on its head, introducing masculine elements to her clothing and accessories that were unheard of before then. And how do you think that went over with the other designers at first? Not well! But she powered through and clearly, it worked in her favor.

Even Beatrix Potter, author of the beloved Peter Rabbit books, was rejected. Countless times!

She was rejected by so many publishers that she eventually took matters into her own hands and  self-published 250 copies of The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Today, a century later, her stories have achieved widespread acclaim, and that once-rejected book has sold over forty million copies.

What all these examples have in common is this: before they became massively successful, they all faced rejection. No matter how talented you are, there will be people who don’t get you and won’t support your dreams.

They will doubt your abilities, question your potential, tell you that you aren’t good enough, or even try and convince you It’s too hard.

But just think what the world would be like if Jimi Hendrix ,Coco Chanel, and Beatrix Potter had listened to those people? Without these gutsy game changers, the sound of rock and roll, the look of fashion, and even children’s literature might be forever changed. Depriving us from experiencing these great achievements.

Whatever it is you want to do, create, or become, you must believe in it passionately. When you are stepping out of the ordinary and into the land of extraordinary, you will face rejection and ridicule.

It’s all part of the success story you will eventually share.

Keep in mind, there are eight billion people in the world, many will love and appreciate what you create.

So, embrace the embarrassment, accept the boos, and don’t give up.

Because in the end…you could become the next icon! And that’s something worth pursuing.

It’s possible!


You Did Your Best, Let It Go!