4 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt and Become Your Own Superhero


If you, at times, think you are not good enough, do not worry – you are not the only one. Self-doubt is a disease that poisons you about your appearance, personality and abilities. You begin to think you are awful at everything. But in reality, that is far from the truth. You are no less than a superhero, masked in disguise – your amazing qualities, hidden away from the world.

You, as an individual, are brilliant. Repeat that sentence, say it out loud, and now, start believing it. If you ignore the negativity and start looking at the positives, there is so much that you should be proud of.

Self-doubt makes you feel otherwise and getting rid of it may not be a one-minute job; but it is possible. Keep on reading to know how you can overcome your self-doubt.

Stop Comparing Yourself

Just because your friend scored a little better than you, does not make you any less smart. It is vital for your mental health that you eliminate yourself from this race that makes you second-guess yourself. That friend of yours is likely gushing over something he can’t do, but you can. Everyone is different in their way. And they are meant to be. So, stop thinking so much and go about seizing your days.

People’s Opinions Do Not Matter

If Batman went all psychoanalyzing what people thought of him, he wouldn’t be as significant for us to write about him, now would he? People will say all sorts of things about you. As long as you are aware of how awesome you are, people’s opinions shouldn’t bother you. There will always be someone who won’t like you and that’s okay.

Write Yourself a Letter

There are two sides to an individual; a dark one and a light. In times when you feel under confident, insecure, or unloved. In these moments, turn to the person who uplifts you. There is always that one person who can pick you up, makes you believe in yourself, and that person is you.

Write a hand-written letter from your light side to your dark. Tell them about your accomplishments, your incredible humor, how good you are at dancing on tabletops. The optimism will help overcome self-doubt.

Surround Yourself with Positivity

The kind of company you keep has a direct impact on your image of yourself. You might often come across people who will make you feel bad about yourself and keep reminding you about your failures.

Having failed is okay, and it does not make you any less of an incredible human being. Think of it as another opportunity that is setting you up for more success. You must surround yourself with positive people – people who are your constant cheerleaders.


Everybody goes through self-doubt at one point in their life. It is natural, but what is important is that you overcome it and come to terms with the fact that you are amazing. Just because you do not have a mask and a cape, doesn’t make you any less of a superhero. Tap into that incredible potential you have, and show the world the greatness that is you.


Reconsidering “Failure“