3 Advantages of Being Underestimated


Do you ever catch people looking at you with pity? They might never say it to your face, but you can see it in their eyes or the way they talk to you. Whatever you do, they will always look at you, knowing that you will never make it in life. Do they think that they are better than you? Not necessarily. But they for sure think that you are not better than many others. For some reason, they have this very underwhelming idea about you. The kind that makes them underestimate you. In their opinion, you will never amount to much in life. 

It is not okay to have such an opinion about anyone but come to think of it – the joke is on them as they are truly unaware of the potential you have. It is best when you surprise everyone with your brilliance. Here’s how being an underdog is an advantage. 

They Never See It Coming

People never expect you to rise to the occasion as they are oh-so busy at constantly underestimating you. You are not even on their list of competitors. People keep watching out for who they think is their competition, analyzing their every move trying to one-up them. However, this gives you the chance to surprise them. 

Get a job at a well-reputed company, win a bonus at work, or just come to the top of your class. If you think about it strategically, it gives you the chance to work hard in silence as you are not under anyone’s radar. And so, when the time comes, unleash your brilliance when people least expected it. 

Gives You A Competitive Edge

When you are considered an underdog, take it with pride. Do not get offended over it. Instead of making it your weakness, turn it into your strength. Do not think of yourself as the degraded one. Take it as a joke because you know how silly it is of others not to recognize your talent. It is only a bad thing if you make it one. 

People can underestimate you all they want, but you know how hard-working and passionate you are in reality. When you are familiar with your truth, you do not need others to validate it for you. A little bit of validation always feels nice, yes – but learn not to depend on it. 

Being the underdog gives you that advantage over others, the advantage of not relying on people’s opinions about you. You are confident and comfortable in your skin, and soon the world will too if you keep going about your pace. 

Fuels Your Motivation

Another angle to be observed is how you can use being underestimated as a motivating tool. If you do not like being the underdog or it bothers you that people do not think of you as competition, change that. Make it your life’s goal to show everyone what you can truly do. The harder you work on yourself, the better results you will achieve. 

So, being an underdog can only add to your growth as it enables you to work on yourself. Use anyone or anything as motivation to get to where you want to. People will not matter as their opinions will always keep changing. What matters is your opinion of yourself and how persistent you are in accomplishing your milestones.  Always remember, underdogs for the win!


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